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What is film?

Avenue Campus

Building: B65

Room: Lecture Theatre B

Age suitable for: 7+

Accessibility alert:
  • Flashing images
  • Darkened spaces
  • Hearing loop available
  • Tactile activities for visually impaired

What is film?

Good question! Come along to the department of film to explore the real materials that started our cinematic journey. We're exploring some of the key questions around the moving image. What it means to us - now, in the past and as we look to the future.

We've teamed up with Wessex Film and Sound Archive to offer you the chance to get HANDS ON with the first mass produced amateur film material - 9.5mm. In our drop-in splicing workshop you'll have the opportunity to handle real film and make edits just how they would have been made in 1923. You'll also be able to have a go at editing using today's tech - to see just how things have changed.

We'll also be running film-on-film screenings of 16mm short films. Step into our recently refurbished film theatre to experience the flicker and ambiance of film as it is projected using original equipment.

The screenings and splicing workshop are drop-in, and can be accessed with your general admission ticket. Each screening is very brief, but audience members will be invited to watch threading and rewinding the projector.

11.00 Safety Spin (1953) animation in the Mr Magoo series (1953) (7mins, sound, colour, 16mm)

12:00 The Hectormobile (1964) animation in the Hector Heathcote series (5mins, sound, colour, 16mm)

13:00 Termite Colony (1963) (circa 7mins, sound, colour, 16mm) Educational nature film on 'the life cycle and social organisation of the termite.' (BFI identifier 300349)

14:00 Beavers at Work (1967) (circa 7mins, sound, colour, 16mm) Educational nature film on the 'North American Beaver, its young, dam building and eating habits.' (BFI Identifier 125153)

Please note that film choices are subject to change according to the vagaries of projecting reel film.

Family friendly 7+, adult supervision required.

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