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Southampton City Libraries bring you 'Step Inside Your Story'

Avenue Campus

Building: B65

Room: Level 1, North Corridor

Age suitable for: 5+


Stories come from everywhere and can be told by everyone!

Join the Southampton City Library team for this activity will put you at the heart of your own story. You will be using tips from the British Library and ideas from picture books to make your own mini book which you can then enter into the British Library prize draw between 25th September and 4th December 2023, for the chance to win £50 of National Book Tokens for your school!

We'll also bring lots of books and stories to read and share with your families and friends.

You can sit down with us in the reading nook (Rm 1167) at the following times:

- 11:00 - 11:40
- 12:40 - 13:20
- 14:20 - 15:10